My dude Kurt Boone has been rocking Ortlieb even longer than I have, and he has been trying to lace together a custom roll top with art for a while.  Eventually we agreed that hand drawing on the bags is way cooler than printing the same design over
 FAR FROM HOME BORN TO ROAM - The Ortieb roll top is first and foremost a rad bag.  I feel like got famous for messenger work, but I’ve always loved it as a travel bag.  I took it across the Darien Gap on a 4 week expedition in which we spent more ti
 RIDE FAST TAKE CHANCES - “It’s the best job in the world, you ride your bike around fast all day and get paid for it.. “  When I started working as a bike messenger I felt like I had one the lottery, I couldn’t believe that someone would pay me to h
 TRUTH SEEKER RISK TAKER -  Long days in the saddle, lots of time spent thinking and dreaming.  What does it all mean? Why I am here? Why are you here?  I feel like I am searching for a truth, for something bigger than myself. The juxtaposition of th
 TED SHRED - The only way to fly…
 SEARCH FOR STOKE - Constantly on the search for stoke.  Stoke is defined as “add coal or other solid fuel to (a fire, furnace, boiler, etc.” to fuel the fire.  People always ask what does it mean?  To me Searching for Stoke is searching for what fue
 UNHINGED OPTIMISM - Some people think the glass is half full, other half empty but an unhinged optimist is just blown away they even have glass at all.  Finding the positive in any situation no matter how dire or hopeless things look.  Call it PMA w
 NEVER KOOL ALL WAYS LUCKY - I’d rather be lucky than cool.  Coolness fades away, and you can never be cool to everyone.  In fact why try to be cool when you can be lucky?  But how can you be lucky?  Pay attention to the little things, the small oppo
 CATCH YOU LATER - all they see is the back of your bag as your sprint off!
 THE HARDER YOU WORK THE LUCKIER YOU GET -  Make your own luck!  Show up, put in the work, stay longer than everyone else, try harder, never give up.  I believe that luck comes from being present and paying attention.  You can’t get lucky sitting at
 WILD IN THE STREETS - RUNNING RUNNING!! In the heat of the summer had to call out a plumber!!  These are lyrics from one of my favorite Circle Jerks songs.  When I was a kid I watched the movie THRASHIN and the chase scene set to this song blew my m
 DODGE DEATH DAILY - The person who trained me my first day as a bike messenger said that we were daily death dodgers.  This has always stuck with me,  and it goes far beyond picking things up and dropping them off for a living.  We dodge death daily
 HIT THE SKIDZ - whip it sideways, grip it and rip it!
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